Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) yang telah melanda dunia, termasuk Indonesia merupakan salah satu rekaman peristiwa luar biasa yang harus disimpan sebagai memori kolektif bangsa. Berbagai macam usaha penanganan Covid-19 telah dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak baik pemerintah Indonesia maupun swasta, serta masyarakat untuk mengatasi pandemi Covid-19, namun sayangnya rekaman kegiatan yang telah dilakukan ini belum memberkas dengan baik sehingga informasi yang terkandung didalamnya dapat hilang maupun rusak. Pada akhirnya, bila rekaman peristiwa penanganan Covid-19 di Indonesia ini tidak dilestarikan dengan baik, generasi di masa mendatang akan kehilangan bahan pembelajaran yang sangat penting. Dalam rangka penyelamatan arsip penanganan Covid-19, diperlukan strategi khusus dalam mengakuisisi arsip penanganan Covid-19. Penelitian ini menjabarkan strategi akuisisi arsip penanganan Covid-19 yang dilakukan di Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI) sebagai pembina kearsipan. Metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menentukan kriteria jenis arsip penanganan Covid-19 yang tercipta di lingkungan pencipta arsip mana yang memiliki nilai guna kesejarahan untuk dapat disimpan di Lembaga Kearsipan. Arsip penanganan Covid-19 di Indonesia diharapkan dapat segera diserahkan kepada Lembaga Kearsipan sebagai memori kolektif bangsa Indonesia bagi generasi di masa mendatang. Kata Kunci: Strategi Akuisisi, Arsip Penanganan Covid-19 di Indonesia, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia Abstract The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has hit the world, including Indonesia is one of the archives that must be preserved as the nation’s collective memory. Various kinds of efforts to deal the Covid-19 have been carried out by various parties, both Indonesian Government and Private, as well as the community to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, but unfortunately the record of activities that have been carried out has not been recorded properly so that the contained information can be lost or damaged. In the end, if the archives of Covid-19 handling in Indonesia have not properly preserved, future generation will lose an important learning material. In order to keep the archives of Covid-19 handling, a special strategy is needed in acquiring the archives. This study describes the acquisition strategy in acquiring the archives of Covid-19 handling carried out at the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) as archival institution. Descriptive qualitative research method is used to identify and determine the criteria of the archives of Covid-19 handling created in creator environment which has historical value to be kept in the Archival Institutions. The archives of Covid-19 handling in Indonesia are expected to be immediately submitted to the Archival Institution as Indonesian collective memory for the future generation. Keywords: Acquisition Strategies, Archives of Covid-19 handling in Indonesia, National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia